EasyNDK use it in a class that is not child of Node

In C++ code of EasyNDK sameple:


You can see the EasyNDK for cocos2d-x 3 version too:


there is a way to expect a call from Java of ObjectiveC your function such as:

     * Register selectors in a global space so the native environment can
     * respond to the selector when the specified method is called
     * NOTE: Group name is used to easily remove selectors
                           CC_CALLBACK_2(HelloWorld::gameTestMethod, this),

Here the third parameter is FuncNV where:

typedef std::function<void(cocos2d::Node *, cocos2d::Value)> FuncNV;

I wonder what if I have a purchase manager or other manager that does not need to be a child of Node but should get messages back from the specific platforms. How I should set callbacks correctly?

For example, in case of sending a message you can do that without a Node

// Finally call the native method in current environment
SendMessageWithParams(string("SampleSelector"), prms);

You write the function name and parameters, and it doesn’t matter who is the superclass of your class form which you send a message.