Drag PhysicsSprite3D with touch move

Try to drag sprite with touch move but its not working please help .
cocos2d::PhysicsSprite3D * sprite_apple;

Touch* touch = touches[0];
       Vec3 pos;
	pos.x = sprite_appleDumy->getPosition3D().x+touch->getDelta().x;
	pos.y = sprite_appleDumy->getPosition3D().y+touch->getDelta().y;
	pos.z = sprite_appleDumy->getPosition3D().z;

its not working to me

Hey! Try to add this:

try but its not work.

You should convert touch Point (on 2D ) to 3D.

Point loc = touch->getLocation();
Point prev = loc - touch->getDelta();

//convert 2D Point to 3D point with the Z
Vec3 p1 = unProjectGL(prev, z);
Vec3 p2 = unProjectGL(loc, z);

Vec3 delta = p2 - p1
//and then move your sprite with this 3D-delta
Vec3 HelloWorld::unProjectGL(Point p, float z)
    Vec3 near = Vec3(p.x, p.y, 0);
    Vec3 far = Vec3(p.x, p.y, 1);
    Vec3 n = _camera->unprojectGL(near);
    Vec3 f = _camera->unprojectGL(far);
    float x0 = n.x;
    float y0 = n.y;
    float z0 = n.z;
    float x1 = f.x;
    float y1 = f.y;
    float z1 = f.z;
    float x = (((z - z0)/(z1 - z0))*(x1-x0)) + x0;
    float y = (((z - z0)/(z1 - z0))*(y1-y0)) + y0;
    return Vec3(x, y, z);

thanks @doanhieuthien.
Your logic help me a lot.