Does cocos2dx 2.1.1 released on 28-jan-2013 installs windows 8 and windows phone 8 template?


I ran build-win32.bat on windows 8 and having visual studio 2012 proffesional installed.I got only cocos 2dx win-32 template.i didn get windows 8 and windows phone 8 template…
did anyone get windows 8 or windows phone 8 template??
does windows 8 metro style and windows phone 8 supports cocos2dx 2.1.1 released on 28-jan-2013 ?

Thanks in advance.

No, Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 aren’t supported on the 2.x API level yet. You need to code against 1.x if you want to support those platforms. Version 2.x support is on the way though; for WP8 it should be available within the next month.
