Does any one know how to make CCControlButton::setTouchPriority work? Might be a bug I think.

Hi all, I found that setTouchPriority doesn’t work for me.
I have an instance of CCControlButton which is the subclass of CCLayer, it is added by the cocosbuilder.
As the touch delegate is not registered manually, I have to change it’s touch priority.
After going into the source code, I found that in the function setTouchPriority: the delegate is removed by setTouchEnabled(false), and reregister by function setTouchEnabled(true).
It is ok for CCLayer, because it registers the touch delegate by pDispatcher->addTargetedDelegate;

But for CCControl,
void CCControl::registerWithTouchDispatcher()
CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getTouchDispatcher()->addTargetedDelegate(this, m_nDefaultTouchPriority, true);
It is still using m_nDefaultTouchPriority not m_bTouchPriority.

My walk around way is to change the default priority of a CCControlButton, and using setTouchPriority again to reregister it.
Or was I totally wrong with the CCControlButton?

I meet too, I think it is a bug. any one know ?