Creator Help Needed

I’m in the middle of a game jam and have a Creator problem ('cause I don’t know Creator!)

I have a Prefab comprising 5 sprites (let’s call 'em roof, BuildingW, BuildingS, BuildingE and BuildingN)

When instantiated I want the associated script to control the visibility of each of the BuildingX sprites


But I don’t see how to ‘access’ the sprites from script?

A simlpe example would help immensely - I’m sure I can figure it out eventually but V V tired at present after a late night jammin’ :slight_smile:

you need add new properties to script then drag it to node in creator then drag which sprite you want to access to right pannel like this

    extends: cc.Component,
    properties: {
        icon: {
            default: null,
            type: cc.Sprite,
    onLoad: function () {
    this.icon.spriteFrame = 'abc.png';

I think i was struggling because I was trying to do it in code rather than in the designer!

you can do like this in code let logo = cc.find(‘Canvas/sprLogo’) ;