creating a dynamic array and inserting integer values to it.

I Am a newbie to Cocos2d-x.I want to know how to create a dynamic array and insert integer values to it .These integer values will be created at runtime.Any help is beneficial.

Very basic Cocos2d-x style dynamic array with int values, a loop and a debug print.

This is for 2.1.x

    CCArray* dynamicArray = CCArray::create();


    CCObject* obj;
    CCARRAY_FOREACH(dynamicArray, obj) {
        CCInteger* value = (CCInteger*)obj;

        CCLOG("%d was in the array", value->getValue());


Enjoy the output …

2 was in the array
7 was in the array
12 was in the array
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You can also use “classic” C++ arrays and other dynamic structures (std::vector for example).