Create paused cocos2d::Node


Is it not possible to pause a cocos2d::Node directly in its init(), so it’s already paused when created?

What do you mean by “pause” here? A Node, by default, is not running until you add it to a parent, after which it will execute “onEnter”. If you do not want it to execute its default onEnter(), then you will need to override the onEnter() function and set a flag in its init().


bool ChildNode::init()
    flag = true; something then return a bool value

void ChildNode::onEnter()
    if (flag)
bool ChildNode::init()

thats what i mean.
so it won’t be updated anymore

like i said, when you init a node, it is not updating. A node will only update and render if you add it to a parent. If you want it to render but not updating, then my method is the best you can do.

When you add a node to a parent, it will call its onEnter() method to set its _running flag. As long as this flag is false, it will not update the node.

Hope the explanation is clear for you.

but then i wont update at all right?,
the main idea is, i want the node to be pause when its created, and resume() it later.
I had no idea where it’s set to running by default.

like i said, you can override the onEnter() of your child node class to prevent it from updating. From what you said, your pause() should be something like that:

void ChildNode::init()
    return true;

void ChildNode::pause()
    pauseFlag = true;
    if (_running) //check if it is in running state.
        onExit(); //you want to set its running state to false

void ChildNode::onEnter()
    if (!pauseFlag)

void ChildNode::resume()
    pauseFlag = false;
    if (!_running)

Hope this helps.