Create-android-project.bat - Target ID, what it means and why is mine limited only to 4.2.2?

I was trying to create my android project thru “create-android-project.bat not working”, but I’m having some problems with the ‘Target ID’.

  1. What does it mean? Does it determine the minimum version required by my android game?

  2. How do I increase the number of target ID I can generate? Mine only supports Android 4.2.2 (I installed cocos2d-x 2.1rc0)


Nevermind, found the solution. For those that have similar issue in future:

Hello opelfrost, you can open create-android-project.bat and see it’s source code. There are ids assigned to each version/API level. starting from
id = 1 OR android-3 for api-level=3
id = 2 OR android-4 for api-level=4
id = 3 OR android-7 for api-level=7
id = 4 OR android-8 for api-level=8
id = 5 OR android-9 for api-level=9
and so on
for more info check