Contact cocos2dx info?


Can I get a contact info on someone from the site? I need to use cocos2dx logo once I launch the site for my new game. Also, I want to donate something to the community once the game is launched. Just an appreciation of what it meant to us to use this framework and at the same time, promote this framework.


You can go to Projects section from the “Projects” tab on top there and view the organizer, developer, and reviewer. Maybe send them a message?

Thanks, but I can’t find a way to contact these guys. no links to contact at all on these pages!

Im sure they’d be happy that you credits them by placing their logo. Since they don’t leave their contact or emails, their lost haha!

The email address revealed by might suit your needs.

There is some contact information at (you could try messaging the facebook page)

You could request that an official trademark usage policy is stated at

The logo resources are at these links, though there is little mention of license.
The original designer of the logo is linked there, you may be able to contact him if you can not contact anyone from here.

The various licenses for the project are here:

The LICENSE_artwork.txt does not mention the cocos2d-x logo, and the LICENSE_cocos2d-x.txt may not apply to artwork the way it is worded.

It may be best to ask for a logo license to be added to the project as suggested above.

Thanks All! Looks like they have made it really hard to contact them :slight_smile: