Compiling cocos2dx for Android as a library

I have noticed that cocos2dx (using Android studio tools 25.3.0) compiles my game into file in the apk.
This is the compiled library for the in-built cocos modules AND my classes (from what I understood).

My question is:
Can I separate this into two different .so files, one that contains the compiled library of all cocos modules and another which contains the compiled library of only my classes??

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Search forum for prebuilt libs … could be what you’re looking for.

I did that there is still this one large .so file in the final apk.
What I actually wanted was two different .so files one of them would be pure cocos2d-x modules and another would be the compilation of my classes.
If this was possible I could possibly put several games in one apk without it blowing up in size.