Compare game engine between unity3d and cocos

Come on, c++11 is easy :slight_smile: Comparing these two I didnā€™t even thought about it.

Easy to learn, hard to master!


Ok, just try to create a simple dialog on windows with some button handling.
The easiest way in VS 2K-8 C# Windows forms. Then comes the wpf. Then comes the ugly C++ from M$ with the addition of massive use of ^ syntax (With this ugly synax M$ achieved, the newbies goes on C# way). Then comes the MFC. And of course every library built on old Win32 C API.
Or not?

I didinā€™t mean it as universal programming. I meant cocos2d-x c++ coding vs unity c# coding. For desktop apps in wpf ofc c# is way to go. And also that c++ you mentioned is not the same, itā€™s microsoft cli/c++.

I never quite understood the advantages of using wpf for desktop apps compared to a cross-platform approach with Qt. You get native widgets on every platform and a variety of programming languages.
Whatā€™s the sense of limiting yourself to a specif platform by using platform exclusive SDKs?

Iā€™ve worked in a lot of different game engines.
Starting with AndEngine, LibGDX, Cocos2d-x, Unreal and Unity. For me personally cocos2d-x is really good if you want to code and create 2d games. But for 3D i find Unreal (C++ in most cases and some BPs) most suitable, only downside is not so good mobile support( it is much better now then 6 months ago) and 3rd party integration.

As for your personal advancement i think that cocos2d-x/libgdx (C++/Java) will give you most benefit. It all depends on what you want. But in time you will learn a lot of different kind of languages to solve different problems, so it wont matter that much.

Well it depends if you need to support other platforms.
This discussion went too deep :smiley: I simply stated c++11 is as easy as c# in terms on strictly on working with cocos2d-x / unity scripting.

Guilty :wink:

Sure. You can achieve results with both languages easily.

I absolutely agree on that.
Using the big engines like UE for a 2D game seems to be a little of an overkill. Those engines did not have that design goal in mind, considering that there origins are an fps game.

What does BP stand for?

Blueprints, basically wrapping a c++ class to some kind of prefab

Ahh, yes yes. Thanks for refreshing my memory!
The UE4 equivalent of UE3ā€™s Kismet.

for 2D game development cocos2d-x is really amazingā€¦