Cocostudio problem in cocos2d-x 3.15

I upgraded my game from version 3.141 to version 3.15 and found some bugs.

  1. In previous versions, applying opacity or fade-action to a node created with Cocostudio in code has been applied to all children. However, in 3.15, it seems that Opacity or Fade may not apply to Children.
  2. Alignment of Text created in Cocostudio is not applied. Also, custom-size does not apply. In my game, the text alignment setting is to the left, but it is centered (the alignment value is displayed correctly in the debugger).
  3. Animation may stop without reason. So EndCallback does not run and stops.

As a result, Cocostudio Runtime seems to have problems in 3.15.
I want to be fix as soon as possible.

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They are not going to give more support to the best editor they had…

I still using it with 3.14.1