Cocosdenshion [gles branch]

This is really maddening. I call playBackgroundMusic(“a.ogg”) on one scene, it plays. On another scene, calls to play “b.ogg”, it still plays a.ogg.

I set effectsVolume to 0.0, but SOME effects are still being played as per normal volume.

This is for blackberry playbook. I was using a different cocos2dx branch for win8, using the same logic for toggling sound and music, it worked fine.

What am I missing here? I’m spending way too much time fixing something that should already be working…

i went into SimpleAudioEngine.cpp and added “alSourcef(iter~~>second~~>source, AL_GAIN, s_effectVolume);” and “alSourcef(s_backgroundSource, AL_GAIN, s_volume);” into the playEffects and playBackgroundMusic functions respectively and the volume issue was resolved. For the case of the bgm, i had to check if bgm is playing, stop it, preload the next bgm to be played, then play it, for the bgm to transit playing correctly

The same problem exists for Blackberry 10. Apparently, my build also play the same background music even when I call playBackgroundMusic() for other files. Stop > Preload> Play solves this issue.

Thanks again for the solution.