CocosBuilder CCControl cannot see pMemberVariableName under onAssignCCBMemberVariable

CocosBuilder version 3.0-alpha-5

I have a CCControlButton in the code which I have to enable/disable it depends on condition.

So I try to add code connections by name.
I find it is not working, so I get it traced in “onAssignCCBMemberVariable”
I find that I can see CCControlButton object but unfortunately the “pMemberVariableName” is empty.

I am sure that I have assigned the variable as of the other CCSprite or labels which works fine.
I am not using Custom Class mechanism which set target to owner works fine all the time.
“onResolveCCBCCControlSelector” works fine as well.

I have overcome this issue by assigning the name to the parent CCLayer and a tag to the CCControlButton so that I can get the object indirectly.
But I would love to confirm if it is a bug inside Cocosbuilder.


I see this error as well.