Cocos2dxMusic and Android Lollipop (5.0)

Android 5.0 has unfixed bugs:

that cause Cocos2d-x games to fail to play.

I have posted about it previously here:

This is a patch for

I couldn’t get the patch to format correctly on here, so I put it on a blog page.

Could you show more explicitely which lines in what function got removed and what lined got added intead??!??. The + and - are not clear for me.

Also, will this work fine with all previous version of android??


+ is add a line
- is remove a line

lines without anything in front of them are for context.

It does work for previous versions of Android, but introduces a small performance penalty.

This can be avoided with conditionals that check for 5.0 and above (until Google fixes it, and they might never fix it.)

I followed your blog. BUt then I dont get any sound on 4.4.4 kitkat?!??!