cocos2dx lua ccp CCSize memeory leak

i am using lua in my project, and i encounter a problem of memory lead. I create CCMoveTo in lua like this:—[local move = CCMoveTo:create(1, ccp(100, 100))], when i close the program, Visual Leak Detector detected memory leaks,and the console output memory leak info as shown below:

---------- Block 67459 at 0x03047BA0: 8 bytes ----------
  Call Stack:
    HINT: The following call stack may be incomplete. Setting "StackWalkMethod"
      in the vld.ini file to "safe" instead of "fast" may result in a more
      complete stack trace.
    e:\cocos2d-x\cocos2d-x-2.2\scripting\lua\cocos2dx_support\luacocos2d.cpp (5410): card.win32.exe!tolua_Cocos2d_ccp00 + 0x7 bytes
    0x5EABF89F (File and line number not available): lua51.dll!lua_close + 0x55FF bytes
    0x00010661 (File and line number not available): (Module name unavailable)!(Function name unavailable)
    00 00 80 3F    00 00 00 00

if i use function of getContentSize, and encounter the same problem and the info as shown below:

Call Stack:
    HINT: The following call stack may be incomplete. Setting "StackWalkMethod"
      in the vld.ini file to "safe" instead of "fast" may result in a more
      complete stack trace.
    e:\cocos2d-x\cocos2d-x-2.2\scripting\lua\cocos2dx_support\luacocos2d.cpp (14582): card.win32.exe!tolua_Cocos2d_CCNode_getContentSize00 + 0x7 bytes
    0x5EABF89F (File and line number not available): lua51.dll!lua_close + 0x55FF bytes
    0x00010661 (File and line number not available): (Module name unavailable)!(Function name unavailable)
    00 00 F0 42    00 00 A0 41                                   ...B...A ........

at fisrt, i think i did not call lua_close() or call CCScriptEngineManager::purgeSharedManager(), i
try both of them but nothing help
i call other interface of cocos2dx in lua too, but only cpp and getContentSize lead to memory leak,is there something i did wrong, any help please, thank you

How do you configure VLD environment?