cocos2dx js, ArmatureAnimation how to enable tween?

i use the dragonbones. and there's tween in the play code. it auto add frame make the animation play error. i want to play animate with frame by frame. so how to enable tween? 

in the as3, i can call “arm.getAnimation().enable =false” to avoid it.

ccs.armatureDataManager.addArmatureFileInfo(res.Role_png, res.Role_plist, res.Role_xml);
    var arm =ccs.Armature.create("role");
    arm.getAnimation().play("run", 0, 1, 0);
    arm.setPosition(size.width * 0.5, size.height * 0.5);

everything seems fine in your code, what error was occurred could you write it down.
i think problem is in armature name which is “role” you have used or in animation name i.e: “run”, are you sure these name are correct .

i sorry about my english. yes,it is ok with my code. but cocos2dx armature will auto add frame with my animation. i want to set ‘tweenEnabled’ as the dragonBones. it run like flash frame one by one with itself.