cocos2d-x3.0rc0 can not run on ios5.1?

when cocos2d-x3.0rc0 run on ios5.1 with iPhone 4. see the picture

6R_M1R`LTS28(90_VIM8Q)F.jpg (203.2 KB)

Did you add the codes yourself.
I think it is because GLView hasn’t been created.

I hava the same problem in V3.0 RC1
when I change the code:

if ( [[UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion floatValue] < 6.0)
    // warning: addSubView doesn't work on iOS6
    [window addSubview: _viewController.view];
    // use this method on ios6
    [window setRootViewController:_viewController];


    [window setRootViewController:_viewController];//ios 5

I can run the code, but the picture’s point is not correct.

thanks in advance.

please help

#4067 is created for it.