Cocos2d-x v3.10 released

What about these warnings?

(> null): warning: Could not resolve external type _ZTSNSt3__16vectorIPN7cocos2d6SpriteENS_9allocatorIS3_EEE24__RAII_IncreaseAnnotatorE

(null): warning: Could not resolve external type _ZTSNSt3__16vectorINS_12basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEENS4_IS6_EEE24__RAII_IncreaseAnnotatorE

(null): warning: Could not resolve external type _ZTSNSt3__16vectorIiNS_9allocatorIiEEE24__RAII_IncreaseAnnotatorE

(null): warning: Could not resolve external type _ZTSNSt3__16vectorIN7cocos2d5ValueENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE24__RAII_IncreaseAnnotatorE

(null): warning: Could not resolve external type _ZTSNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEE6sentryE

How can I fix them?

I guess you need to provide more context about these errors.

That documentation site is great! If it keeps growing, the lack of documentation won’t be a Cocos2d-x problem anymore, which means more accessibility, which also means more users, support and community. And that’s great :wink:


Thank you. I am working hard to get docs in much better shape.

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Any news abou this? I have checked all cocos2d-x v3 releases and the bug exists in every version.
This is really a showstopper for us…

Have a look at my answer here

Does this work for you?

Short of testing it myself, I don’t know. Download the Cocos app and try it.

does not work. all releases have this bug. really a shame!

Alright, let me ask an engineer to take a look at this.

i just upgrade my old project in 3.9 to 3.10 today,
and then got an issue on Android platform with cocos2d-js

button.addTouchEventListener(function (sender, type) {
       //code here
}, this);

error message from Android monitor

js_cocos2dx_ui_Widget_addTouchEventListener : wrong number of arguments: 2, was expecting 1

sorry that’s my mistake, i just copy “script” from wrong place,
it should copy form “cocos2d-x-3.10/cocos/scripting/js-bindings

Will it be possible in future versions to import Spine SkeletonNode into Cocos Studio?

I really need that as well. (spine to cocos studio feature)

Is the LabelTTF/ccui.Text newline bug still in 3.10? I mean the bug where when you let pass a long string to the LabelTTF/Text, it will sometimes create newlines such that there is an empty space in the beginning of a line.

Fantastic job on the new Cocos installer! I just moved over my 3.9 source code version to the 3.10 prebuilt and it worked perfectly without a single hitch.


  • When I create a new class that inherits UI::Layout class, if I enable Touch on it, the app will crash when I click on the Layout itself.

class NewLayout : public ui::Layout


//bool init in .cpp file

Do you call the base class in methods like init()?

No. i use NewLayout::create()

Yes but in the overridden init() method do you call the base-class init() method first?

@cdang normally you do not enable touch on an entire layer. But maybe you have a reason I don’t understand.

Here is an explanation that might shed some light from one of the develoepers:

I hope that helps.