Cocos2d-x v3.10 released

Cocos is a good start to a unified solution. It combines everything you need and compiling will be much faster due to it defaulting to using prebuilt libraries. Use this if you do not care about the underlying source code.

If you want to explore the source code, download either the Cocos2d-x .zip or clone from GitHub.

For getting started, we are rolling out a new documentation site here more and more docs are being moved to here, each week.

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If you come from web development , i have easy jump start tutorial for you .
In javascript , for Web, Desktop and iOS .
Check it here :

That’s nice you recommend precompiled version :slight_smile: Why would then answer my question :frowning: ?

lua project builds failed on linux(deepin)

Can you help me with this issue @slackmoehrle, please?

Thanks and best!

@slackmoehrle, I’ve seen the prebuilt feature and it’s great, thank you for suggestion.
I really speed up the build process.

Just a quick question, if I want to create a new project from command line, so without cocos studio, and I want to use prebuilt libs, have I manually prebuild with cocos gen-libs ?
And then manually modify like described here: How to speed up cocos2d-x build with prebuilt lib ?

Or can I create the project using the prebuilt template from commandline?

hey, @slackmoehrle
Are you guys planning to ditch fbx-conv (c3b,c3t formats)?
Isn’t it better to use the standard fbx format?


I have someone writing up Android instructions for me to test and then refine. I am not sure an ETA yet. The China team is celebrating New Years for a bit :smile:

Let me see if I can ask someone for what the plan is.

If you change a few environment variables when you run cocos new it will use the prebuilt libraries automatically. For example, in my ~/.bash_profile:

export COCOS_CONSOLE_ROOT=/Applications/Cocos/Cocos2d-x/cocos2d-x-3.10/tools/cocos2d-console/bin
# Add environment variable COCOS_FRAMEWORKS for cocos2d-x
export COCOS_FRAMEWORKS=/Applications/Cocos/frameworks

# Add environment variable COCOS_X_ROOT for cocos2d-x
export COCOS_X_ROOT=/Applications/Cocos/Cocos2d-x

# Add environment variable COCOS_TEMPLATES_ROOT for cocos2d-x
export COCOS_TEMPLATES_ROOT=/Applications/Cocos/Cocos2d-x/cocos2d-x-3.10/templates
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Not that I know of. .c3b and .c3t exist for a few reasons at this time.

@slackmoehrle thank you I’ll give a try!

Is physics finally useful or integrated just for fun?

Earlier versions of cocos does not have working physics, for example mass do not have any difference.

Physics is very useful, developers are using it. I used it in my simple game to learn how to use Physics.

Any sample to how to use it correctly?

Whole project, wiki is not that helpful.

Absolutely, check out cpp-tests in < cocos2d-x root >/build for examples of all the engine functionality.

Ist this bug still present? FlipY3D does not flip at center position

I am not sure, let me ping the developers and ask.

What about these warnings?

(> null): warning: Could not resolve external type _ZTSNSt3__16vectorIPN7cocos2d6SpriteENS_9allocatorIS3_EEE24__RAII_IncreaseAnnotatorE

(null): warning: Could not resolve external type _ZTSNSt3__16vectorINS_12basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEENS4_IS6_EEE24__RAII_IncreaseAnnotatorE

(null): warning: Could not resolve external type _ZTSNSt3__16vectorIiNS_9allocatorIiEEE24__RAII_IncreaseAnnotatorE

(null): warning: Could not resolve external type _ZTSNSt3__16vectorIN7cocos2d5ValueENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE24__RAII_IncreaseAnnotatorE

(null): warning: Could not resolve external type _ZTSNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEE6sentryE

How can I fix them?

I guess you need to provide more context about these errors.