Cocos2d-x on WiiU and CrossBridge


I would like to know if anyone have used cocos2d-x to build for WiiU and if it was too much work to port the engine.

On the other hand has anyone tried to port a cocos2d-x to the web with CrossBridge?

Thanks in advance.

Well, WiiU doesn’t use OpenGL, so that is one obstacle. Their implementation is called GX2.

Also, the WiiU is PowerPC based.

There is a simple OpenGL1 -> GX2 wrapper around, but as you can imagine really out of date.

Thanks for the information.

Well I think it will be fairly hard to port it. A pity.

On the other hand the CrossBridge solution to bring the games to places like kongregate, etc… are more feasible. Has anyone tried it?


I am interested in porting coco2dx to Wii U. OpenGL absence I expect could be abstracted away at the middleware level. Could some one point me in the correct direction to being this effort. Thank You.

Well, There is an OpenGL to Cafe binding, however IIRC it only supports Cafe 1.x and not 2. WiiU is currently at 2.12.x, IIRC. I think it is an challenge to do this, but sounds super fun.

Also, WiiU uses the Greenhills Multi compiler and it does not yet support any c++11 features.