Cocos2D X on Apple Watch and iMessage

Can Cocos2D X games be ported to Apple Watch and iMessage?

If yes, where can I start learning?

Hello @mr746866,
Apple Watch doesn’t support neither OpenGLES nor WebGL, so we can do very few things. And it’s very hard to debug. I doubt its even possible to get cocos2d-x up and running as cocos2d-x uses OenGLES for rendering,
see below links

Let me loop in @energyy and @slackmoehrle they might be able to shed more information, as @energyy was trying a compile for same.


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Hi, we launched our project Infinity Loop Blueprints with apple watch support, but apple watch part is done fully in native object c as additional target in cocos project. I think you cannot use c++ for it.

Do you know if c++ can be used for iMessage games?

Didn’t tried with iMessages - maybe they are html5 based?

They are HTML5 based

Then can we port Cocos2D-X JavaScript games to iMessage?

I haven’t tried