Cocos2d-x JSB Now Supports Remote Debugging By Using Firefox

I’m glad to announce that cocos2d-x JSB now supports remote debugging by using Firefox. The Pull Request is here(
About how to use it, please refer to
But there is still an issue I could not overcome. That is only ‘step into’ can’t work.
Could somebody to help me fix the problem since I have no idea about that?

This could be awesome!

PATH has changed to

Yep, since we’re refactoring the ‘folder structure’, the file has been moved. Thanks @Simon Pan

“Firefox Developer Tools can debug remote devices (Firefox for Android and Firefox OS, for example).”

does it support to debugging in iOS simulator or iOS devices?

i run the “Test JavaScript iOS” demo, and try to connect it, but the Firefox Developer Tools always show “Error: connection timeout.”

Xcode debugger output message “cocos2d: debug server : client connected”.

I am also, the client shows the connection, the browser displays timeout.
I tested in ios and win32.

Did you connect the correct IP?

James Chen wrote:

Did you connect the correct IP?

Did cocos2d-x-2.2 support remote debugging by using Firefox? We use 2.2, but we got “Error: connection timeout.”

I got it. It’s a new feature in 3.0.

it’s the new feature in 3.0, how should i debug on 2.2? thx!

The picture in can not open.
How to turn on Firefox Remote Debugger?

I find why I can’t connect, because I use the wrong port 6000, it should be 5086

Why i could not found the item ‘connect’….
need another active-X?