cocos2d-x intergrate multi-platform social networking, advertisement SDKs into my game.

Hello, guys.
I have developed Arcade Game with Cocos2d-x. But Now I faced a new problem.:frowning:
I have to implement third-party SDKs such as Facebook, Twitter, RenRen, WeiBo AdHub, RevMob, Flurry…
But I can’t reference Helpers to implement these SDKs into Cocos2d-x. I am nervous.
Please help me. Thanks.

As far as I know, u can either use some third-party tool that wraps the native SDK’s of these social platforms or implement it natively on each platform.

Can you tell me the name of sample code or the urls of sample code please?:wink:

Which approach do you want to take? And which platforms are you supporting?

All of them. And IOS/Android Multi-Platform I want. Help me.:slight_smile: