cocos2d-x for win8/wp8 is so slow

the same project, with cocos2d-x draw by opengl es is very well, but with win8/wp8, draw by Dx, it will be too slow.
who can give me some help?

I’ve noticed this too. I think the DirectX implementation isn’t optimized like the OpenGL one.

Oren Bengigi wrote:

I’ve noticed this too. I think the DirectX implementation isn’t optimized like the OpenGL one.

i see you have a game with windows8. your game is very nice.
do you have improved the cocos2d-x for win8? can you tell me how to do?

Oren Bengigi wrote:

I’ve noticed this too. I think the DirectX implementation isn’t optimized like the OpenGL one.

Hi Oren, Cheers for you apps they are brilliant,I am also porting my two games from iOS and Android to windows 8 using cocos2dx-0.11-win8.I have improved some things in it but i do get the same FPS drop around 267-27 as the guy has reported. Also when I install my app on a remote machine like acer iconia w510 the sprite drawn is not too good. There is always some gap in between the images with some pixels not drawn. Where you able to improve the cocos2dx engine as can be seen in your games. Is there some technique or a solution to it. :slight_smile: