Cocos2d-x console command xcode 8.2 issue


It seems cocos comand should be updated or maybe there is already some workaround how to generate from console signed IOS build if installed xcode 8.2. With xcode 7.3 everything works fine.

cocos compile -p IOS -j 8 -m release --sign-identity "iPhone Developer: KARL Fun (43535353DF)" -t "target_name"

I’m used this command, but now it doesn’t compile under xcode 8.2 as seems there is issue with signing project.

xexe :smiley: it seems I always will answer my questions myself.

So to make xcode project compile using automatic signing in xcode 8.2 you not need now to specify exact sign identity it is enought to have just “iPhone Developer”

cocos compile -p IOS -j 8 -m release --sign-identity "iPhone Developer" -t "target_name"

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