Cocos2d-x application is not opening

My application is working properly on one device. But when I install it on another device it is installed properly but does not opening up. Is it because I am using .pvr.ccz file, it is supported in one device and not in the other?

looking forward to any response…

I am reading .pvr.ccz files in my application. And using below method to read the file.

CCSpriteBatchNodespriteSheet = CCSpriteBatchNode::create(“mytestfile.pvr.ccz”);*

  1. pvr.ccz format is supported, but PVRTC is not supported besides iOS
  2. Failure of loading textures can only lead to rendering nothing on screen, but the application still can be open, and you will see a black screen.

For Android, you should put a copy of that file in the Resources folder.

`Walzer Wang : I am running my application on Galaxy Nexus, it starts and exits.

`Lance Gray : Yes I am putting a copy of that file in the Resources folder.

Please use ndk-stack to find which line cause the crash.

Thanks for the reply. I dont know how to use ndk-stack. I read a post regarding how to use it but could not figure out the procedure of using this. Please write the steps.

You can refer to NDK_ROOT/docs/NDK-STACK.html.