Cocos2d-x-3.8beta0 is released!

Now, I am using Cocos2d-x3.7.1 and I have see one problem.
When I use “TransitionPageTurn” with a Scene that use PageView or ScrollView, it has error when transition (scene only . This problem has appeared from Cocos2d-x 3.2 when the first time I have worked with Cocos.
Below is captured screen the problem.

Sorry, my English is verry poor.

@qstudio try calling Director::getInstance()->setDepthTest(false) before using TransitionPageTurn

@TheCodez Thank you! But it’s the same problem

@nite, @zhangxm Please help me!

Hi guys,

Please create issues here, then other guys will notice them and you can track the progress of the issue.


I wonder how long it has taken in development time to get UbiArt where it is now.

It was first announced in 2010, with some development time going into it. The pre UbiArt Rayman game was released in 2008, so perhaps 1 to 3 years of development.
It was made by 5 people.

Why not just drop an email to Ubisoft Montpellier :wink:

1-3 years with 5 people isn’t a long development cycle, it seems.

Not at all.

The engine was a PoC for Rayman: Origins. It was made for that game. So it’s pretty impressive. Especially because not all team members are coders.

So what does this tell us about other engines/games?

How easy is it to use for a game that isn’t Rayman Legends? It’s relatively easy to make tools for a specific game, which is why so many have in-game or dev editors. It’s another effort to make a generic tool.

UbiArt might still be impressive after using it, it does look pretty useful, but it may just be a good video demo.

Easy as pie it seems. The framework was a game related PoC at the beginning, but turned into a generic framework. There are already different games out made with UbiArt and a few others in the pipeline.

The idea was to create an engine with tools powerful enough that we could take a drawing from an artist, render it in an engine, and play it," says Xavier Poix, managing director of Ubisoft’s French studios in Montpellier, Annecy and Paris.

Of course. But also UE, CryEngine and id tech where game tailored engines at the beginning. I guess also FrostBite was. Now they try to use it for every game inside EA.(at least that’s their plan).

According to the developers, it was matured with being a generic engine in mind.


Besides the 5 rayman games many == three ?? And two of those other three look very similar to RayMan. My only concern is the Unity3D-cookie-cutter-effect of their editor(s). :smiley:

I edited “many” to “some”, but you were to fast :smile: Three are enough to prove it’s generic-ness, don’t you think?

Btw. I found the interview with the quote from above:

Well, you could argue as well, that every 2D platformer looks/plays kinda like RayMan :wink:

That’s in the hand of the designer. You could as well make the next MetalSlug with UbiArt.

Just because there is Spine, UE whatever, doesn’t mean everything has to look the same.

Of course, people try to go the easy mass-production way, but in the end, everything is just a tool. Tools can be used to make boring mass-production things, but also awesome, different things.

Indeed, I’m just snarking at you because you claim it amazing after only seeing some videos. My argument is only that we don’t know if it’s actually that great or not in every day use compared to spine et al, we have to open the box first.

I don’t :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course you have a point. “Seeing is Believing” :smile:
Well, I did not really claim it, but the videos and the interviews with the developers, which used it, made me a believer. It better has to be awesome once you get your hands on, or I will be doomed.
Unfortunately the licensing stuff is still not ready. They said they are working on it, but that was in 2013.

Haters gonna hate :wink: jk.

What the hell is that? I never saw that “shut up” hint :smile:

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I don’t have a /…/…/cocos2d/cocos/prebuilt-mk folder. Still using 3.7 though. Is that the problem?

scrollView->setScrollBarAutoHideEnabled(false); not working.

After you did the build, there will be a ton (18 on my PC) of prebuilt-mk folders.
There should also be one in the cocos folder (they contain an Android.nk file).

Did you perform the step to create the pre-built?
I use:
@cocos gen-libs -p android --app-abi armeabi-v7a -m release

in cocosframework cocos2d-x-3.7.1, got issue with rumtime, remote debug got problem, made crash on running from xcode with ios devices.
please check it and fix

i hope in cocosframework 3.8 everything is better

@jvfiel it works with the latest v3.8 branch on github. I reported that issue and it got fixed :smiley: