Cocos2d-x-3.8beta0 is released!

Thanks guys, that works great.

I created a batch file in my prebuilt folder, so I can easily rebuild the android libs, without having to remember the whole command line :smile:

For anyone thatā€™s interested, this is what my ā€œ_prebuild android.batā€ looks:

@echo off
cocos gen-libs -p android --app-abi armeabi-v7a -m release

After you build the libs, you have to change the (for every game), it is in the jni folder.
You have to add the cocos/prebuilt-mk path before the cocos one.

So at the top of the file, it by default looks like this:

$(call import-add-path,$(LOCAL_PATH)/../../cocos2d)
$(call import-add-path,$(LOCAL_PATH)/../../cocos2d/external)
$(call import-add-path,$(LOCAL_PATH)/../../cocos2d/cocos)

Add the prebuilt-mk path before the last cocos one, so it looks like this:

$(call import-add-path,$(LOCAL_PATH)/../../cocos2d)
$(call import-add-path,$(LOCAL_PATH)/../../cocos2d/external)
$(call import-add-path,$(LOCAL_PATH)/../../cocos2d/cocos/prebuilt-mk)
$(call import-add-path,$(LOCAL_PATH)/../../cocos2d/cocos)

This will speed up compile time for all your games immensely, as you now build the cocos libs only once for each version of cocos2d-x. Your games will only have to compile their own game codeā€¦

Good luck!


@zhangxm: version of Socket.IO.js in web still is 0.9.16

AudioEngine needs more features.

  • Support for pitch
  • Callback when looping sound finishes a loop

AudioEngine used for a long time with Cocos and is still not growing. So I switched to Superpowered SDK. Itā€™s just an amazing library for iOS/Android/OS X apps!

Is it easy to integrate with cocos2d-x, especially with android ?

For me personally integration superpowered SDK with my Cocos2d-x projects was easy.
I must say that you will not find in superpowered API methods such as playEffect/playBackgroundMusic/preloadEffect etc. There are all different. However, I wrote the adapter over the superpowered and now the simplest operations with audio in my projects look like this:

auto audioManager AudioManager::getInstance();
auto audioThread = audioManager->playAudio(PREDEFINED_AUDIO_FILE_MACRO, onPlayCompleteCallback);

void onPlayCompleteCallback(AudioManager::EventType::ON_PLAY_COMPLETE &audioEvent)
    // do something

Library contains documentation and comes with C++ examples for iOS and Android.


My dream is to see someday a JetBrains IDE for cocos2d-x, this will be awesome!

I respect your dreams, but for me I hope to be spared from another Java-Bloat IDE :smile:

My dream is to see the cocos2d-x ā€œUbiArtā€ framework.


Do you mean Ubiart is based on cocos2d-x? :open_mouth:


UbiArt seems to be pretty the same of Spine for me, at least from the video I have seen.

I still want to see some JetBrains IDE to Cocos2d-x! These czech republic guys are the best.

Now we can go back to the real subject of this thread =).

No. What I meant is, that I am looking forward to having something like UbiArt, but made with cocos2d-x.

The ā€œSpineā€ thing in UbiArt is just a tiny peace, the skeletal animation. You canā€™t even compare the functionality of Spine with the UbiArt animation tool. But the goal of Spine was not to compete with it anyways.

Which video have you seen? This?

The first 7 minutes show the skeletal animation tool, which can be compared to Spine(in fact the latter is inferior). All things that follow have nothing in common with Spine. Itā€™s rather ā€œcomparableā€ with Cocos Studio and cocos2d-x.
UbiArt is a complete package, which can do voodoo and magic in all places.

Have you asked them?

Gooooo Europe! :smile:

Iā€™m always in thread-kidnap-mode :wink:


Sorry, but you wonā€™t see that :D. The amount of work to create this toolset is impressive, so, it is very unlikely we see something like this based on cocos2d-x. I would buy it right now :smiley:


ISSUE: cocos2d-x beta 0
Scene Graph Event Listeners are called for every camera visible in the scene. This causes events like onTouchesBegan to fire twice. Iā€™ll file a github later today if I donā€™t hear itā€™s already fixed in latest github.

If this is desired then the event should store/support which camera is being ā€œvisitedā€ when touch occurs?
I suppose we can test if VisitedCamera == customVar_cameraRequiredForValidTouch or similar. Does anyone know if this is an oversight, or a change in API where events need to handle being called more than once on a single dispatch.

Iā€™m thinking if weā€™re adding the event by scene graph it should detect the camera based on the targetā€™s camera mask?

1 Like

You will see it, if people want it to be seen.

Of course. The main problem would be the financial part. A lot of man-hours and money went into UbiArt.

If that was a commercial product, you would need deep pockets to buy it.
But I guess it would be free :wink:

Some people behind UbiArt wanted to see/make it Open Source and freely available, but unfortunately the public is still waiting for it to happen.

Anyways, I will stop spamming this thread now. Sorry for going OT again.

I believe the dispatch event w/cameras is an issue.

GAF is the good topic for cocos2d-js, please put the example back to js-test.

As i know, it is already supported. Did you have any problem?

I will ask someone to take a look.

I will discuss with other guys to check why not to upgrade to latest version.

We will consider it. Thanks.

What did you mean? Customize an IDE based on JetBrain to replace Xcode/VS?

I donā€™t think we have enough resource to do it. But it doesnā€™t mean it is the final decision.
Why not use Spine?

We have noticed it. I will double check it.

I will ask someone to take a look.

Cocos team donā€™t have to replace any existing supported IDE for JetBrains IDE. I mean that will be very good to see some support for Android Studio (1.3+ NDK version) or even CLion (the new C++ JetBrains IDE). I prefer (I believe many people that have a taste of it do) to use JetBrains if itā€™s available for target/language I aim for. These IDEs are very very flexible, powerful coding and extreme extensive. I think everyone should take a look on that.