cocos2d-x-3.2 can not find

Hello Everyone,

I just downloaded cocos2d-x-3.2 from official download home. As I was going through creating an Android project I found that there is no file. Please help where to get this file.
Is it moved somewhere or what.

Btw, I was going through below site to create a sample project.

Please help if I am missing something.

Thanks in advance.

They abandoned the old shell scripts in favor of a unified console (cocos console). This guide describes the new process. Or if you’re more of a video person, @SonarSystems also explains it.

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Thanks for the prompt reply. The site you suggested only tells about iphone setup. I am creating an Android project and my environment is Windows 7. Is there any link for Android and Windows environment ?

We has Windows tutorials aswell, check out this series