Cocos2d-x 3.13 when?

OK. I understood you.

Iā€™m not into cocos2d-x core enought to say whatā€™s exactly wrong.
Iā€™ve experienced at least 2 problems while being on 3.12:

  1. scene is loaded only to certain degree: itā€™s a problem with loading some of the components - or more probably it looks like itā€™s just limited to several sprites
  2. labels are totally broken, they have a wrong color and font

Š¢oday tried version 3.13 and compiled project under Linux. Scenes with size 4800px +, lots of sprites ( I use spritesheet) and buttons work well, but still have a problem with the colors of the labels.

Thanks, let me ask @zhangxm to look at these troubles with Labels. Can anyone provide the code you are using so we can start testing?

I think it is related with

Work as charm, but still have ā€œFail to play cause by limited max instance of AudioEngineā€ on Linux (this is not a big deal because solved with stopAllEffects(), Š¾r stopEffect("ā€¦")).
Now is the time to upgrade to 3.13 :smile:

I tried 3.13 and it almost worked - I only had problems with spine models in one particular subgame. Fonts were broken so Iā€™ve decided to get latest github repo to get a bugfix. But now just on startup Iā€™m getting black screen and several errors like this:

OpenGL error 0x0506 in /Users/piotr/Documents/pierdoly/cocos2d-x/cocos/renderer/CCTexture2D.cpp initWithMipmaps 663

Iā€™ve noticed that template and were changed. Iā€™ve made a changes to match these, but problem still persists. From the other hand template project works, but rotation is broken on ios7.

So you are saying that if I were to run cocos new ... I would see these OpenGL errors?

No, I tried new project and it works well. Itā€™s justā€¦ my project is very large, tons of sprites, animations, spine models and other stuff. Itā€™s hard to find where exactly is the problem, but from my investigation:

  1. ui::Text::create caused openGL errors
  2. spineObject->addAnimation caused crashes, but when I putted this model in cocos2d-x-tests it worked

I need more time for investigation.

Have you re-exported spine models with new spine? Double check if they were correctly exported with correct spine version maybe some adsjutment is needed.

I didnā€™t re-exported them. Strange thing it works no problem when putted in cocos-tests project. I guess just switching .a library and paths wonā€™t smoothly work as always.
Probably I have to create new project, copy all resources, code etc.

you for sure should re-export SPINE, it offcourse depends which version u used before and which now. But in new spine json structure little changed so it could crash.