[cocos2d-x 3.0rc0] string.format function raised error

I prepare to upgrade cocos2d-x from alpha0 to rc0
I used the string.format like this:

string.format(“value is %s”, val)

In alpha0,
If type of “val” is “table”, the result is:
value is table 0x000ad28852

If type of “val” is “function”, the result is:
value is function 0x000ad28852

But in rc0, this function raised error.

My question is how to make this function works as alpha0?

I think you used the ios-64bit simulator or device to develop.Because the luajit don’t support arm64 now,so for ios-64bits,we used the original lua library.It led to this error.
For this, do you have any good suggestions?

I have no idea to support arm64.

I just only removed arm64 from architects. Then it works fine.