[cocos2d-x 3.0 Tutorial] Common Asset Errors

Hey, cocos2d-x developers,

I have something interesting to share here.
Now this might be boring for the experts but quite interesting for the begineers.

One of the common asset error I found in during my development is that the
assets gets erased on building the project.

Now this is a common error, and with a minor checklist it would help great in the development process.


  1. Check the asset i.e. image, sound and others with recommended size, by which i mean they shouldn’t overflow the memory.

  2. If you download the assets from google or any other source, check they are not set to
    read-only, also they are unlocked.
    what is the sole of this :: check the properties of the assets to be clean.

Now you are ready to avoid the common errors.
If you find anything more useful to this post, please reply to this post.

Happy Coding