cocos2d-x-2.2.5 setup guide

I can’t agree more. I’ll share whatever I can on the topic. My only reference is a book covers 2.0.x and there is much different approaches in regards to setup. 2.2.5 feels like it is caught between the original 2.0 and 3.0 in regards to setup. I can see the cleaner projects, vision, and better scripts forming. But I have to kind of figure out how it works in this in between state. I am putting it together piece by piece. I can compile, and push to device, it wont run (missing a library still.) But I am slogging through the errors. Its taken some time. Going to 3.0 is a bridge too far this time or I would just go all the way.

Thanks for all the support!!! You guys are great. I hope I am not being to much of a pest. :wink:

The in the created projects folder is clearer now except for what target to use (step 6? wth is step 6, so I think that is likely a left over bit from older docs.)

What version of the NDK was this tested with? I found myself using 10b (64bit) I got the 32 bit versions (non beta) to try out. Should I not use latest? Did I miss this requirement somewhere? To get the HelloWorld sample app to run (well run into the current error I am having with all projects) I had to combine the 32 bit and overlay/overwrite with the 64 bit version. This is because of the “android-L” headers? I don’t know anything about this so I wont pretend too, but “rand()” was missing of all things. Soooo that fixed that issue. (here was where I found the hint)

For the morbidly curious this is the current error I am working through:
09-17 14:54:49.010: E/AndroidRuntime(25032): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Couldn’t load testcpp from loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file “/data/app/org.cocos2dx.testcpp-1.apk”],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app-lib/org.cocos2dx.testcpp-1, /vendor/lib, /system/lib]]]: findLibrary returned null

If you know what causes this let me know. I am looking at what files got stuck where on the device… but there is a voice in the back of mind that says I shouldn’t have to if everything was configured right!

I seriously think I have something horribly wrong in my setup. I am going to to just start over. or try on other machines/devices. it simply can’t be this hard…

Well there seems to be a documentation, but that is only API reference. No tutorials that show actual usage of the code snippets. Like how to create a project, use tilemaps, etc.

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Using ADB I have ascertained that /data/data/org.cocos2dx.hellocpp/lib/ does not exist on device after running “ant debug install” and all the samples fail this way now as does my created projects. so I am focusing there. Clearly a case of “I am missing something, but I don’t have a clue where” scenario. An app shows up in the application list on device, but I presume it is failing because it can’t find the expected files.

From within the ADB shell:

    1|root@android:/ # ls /data/data/org.cocos2dx.hellocpp                     
    /data/data/org.cocos2dx.hellocpp: No such file or directory

Thanks for everyones support on this. You guys have been if anything encouraging me to continue running myself at the wall. I will break through. It is what I do. :wink:

Well I scrubbed every line of the output from ant debug install and I noticed this little message:


     [echo] Installing /Users/hunter/Appsomniacs/cocos2d/cocos2d-x-2.2.5/samples/Cpp/TestCpp/ onto default emulator or device...
     [exec] 3874 KB/s (88110811 bytes in 22.210s)
     [exec] 	pkg: /data/local/tmp/TestsDemo-debug.apk


I finally just started over followed the for Eclipse to the ‘T’
I got the same errors. (I noticed a warning in eclipse about not being able to find an include directory in the NDK. The only thing in NDK_ROOT/platforms/ folder was ‘android-L’. I had read about this somewhere.

I rolled back to use NDK 10 (32 bit):
I got a compile error about missing ‘rand()’ again, in the past I had put in the 32 bit version and copied over the 64 bit version replacing anything and that worked. but I didn’t want to spend the time, so I don’t know if that would solve the issue.

I rolled back to NDK 9d
It worked for HelloCPP

Bottom line, the terse that is in every created project has the steps (I will try the command line later, as I prefer it at times, but I got the same errors in eclipse as command line. just remember to clean if you use eclipse and go command line to remove the ‘crunch’ directory.)

I am not out of the woods yet, but with the basics working then I can get this into the shape the team wants (in a different folder structure external to cocos2d, etc.)

if you’ve read this far. Good on you. you’ve got stamina. I hope this helps someone int he future. Or if starting new go check out v3.x+ first.

tl:dr 2.2.5 setup summary of the solution that worked for me (gory details of failures are in previous posts in this thread.)

1) Get the cocos2d-x 2.2.5 download and unpack it somewhere, same with the ADT tools (the android SDK and Eclipse)

2) Use ndk 9d (ensure that your target platform is present(e.g., as 9/18/2014 10b only has ‘android-L’ as a valid target. Put of the box I was targeting android-8 [i.e. Android 2.2])

3) use the existing projects (helloworldCpp and TestCpp) or create a project using the supplied python script the {cocos2d_root}/tools/project-creator directory:
user$ python -project AppTest -package com.appsomniacs.test -language cpp

4) follow the instructions in the that every new project has in it’s {project root}/ folder that is made with

5) Profit.

NOTE: If you get the following error…

../../../..//extensions/CocoStudio/Reader/WidgetReader/LabelReader/LabelReader.cpp:54:9: error: 'transform' is not a member of 'std'
make: *** [obj/local/armeabi/objs/cocos_extension_static/CocoStudio/Reader/WidgetReader/LabelReader/LabelReader.o] Error 1


#include <algorithm>

to {cocos2d-x-2.2.5 root}/extensions/CocoStudio/Reader/WidgetReader/LabelReader/LabelReader.cpp
I think this is just missing from the 2.2.5 distro as noted in this answered question:

If you use the latest from git i am not sure if this is fixed in their yet, but there has been a lot of activity there too.

@GMTDev thanks for the reminder about HAXM. I had accidentally picked an x86 supported target to build to device (which happened to be x86) but was quickly reminded that not all simulator images are the same when I tried to build to the simulator without getting and x86 supported target!

this is link to download Android NDK r9d:

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Could somebody tell me which version of cocos studio files will work with cocos2d-x-2.2.5?
I’ve been trying to load the files exported by cocosstudiov1.0 beta (MAC) but it keeps crashing because format is not what the reader is expecting.