[cocos2d-x-2.1.4] Crash on androidplatform sometimes!

details as following

06-27 16:14:02.366: D/cocos2d-x debug info(6195): guideData:1064950 06-27 16:14:02.476: A/libc(6195): ``@ ABORTING: INVALID HEAP ADDRESS IN dlfree 06-27 16:14:02.476: A/libc(6195): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1) 06-27 16:14:02.976: I/DEBUG(13259): debuggerd: 2013-06-27 16:14:02 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 06-27 16:14:02.986: V/WindowManager(243): onProposedRotationChanged, rotation changed to 1 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): Build fingerprint: 'htc_asia_wwe/htc_shooteru/shooteru:4.0.3/IML74K/385730.1:user/release-keys' 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): pid: 6195, tid: 6214 >>> com.xxxx.xxxx <<< 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr deadbaad 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): r0 deadbaad r1 00000001 r2 40000000 r3 00000000 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): r4 00000000 r5 00000027 r6 40107990 r7 40116514 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): r8 01b3afe0 r9 4004df2c 10 00000008 fp 52331c24 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): ip 4011181c sp 52331550 lr 400e8c79 pc 400e4eb4 cpsr 60000030 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): d0 0000000000000000 d1 0000000000000000 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): d2 0000000000000000 d3 0000000000000000 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): d4 0000000000000000 d5 0000000000000000 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): d6 0000000000000000 d7 0000000000000000 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): d16 6f50726564616853 d17 65546e6f69746973 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): d18 0000000000000000 d19 0000000000000000 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): d20 0000000000000000 d21 0000000000000000 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): d22 0000000000000000 d23 0000000000000000 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): d24 3e66376972bea4d0 d25 4035000000000000 06-27 16:14:02.986: I/DEBUG(13259): d26 3ff0000000000000 d27 8000000000000000 06-27 16:14:02.996: I/DEBUG(13259): d28 c000000000000000 d29 0000000000000000 06-27 16:14:02.996: I/DEBUG(13259): d30 0000000000000000 d31 0000000000000000 06-27 16:14:02.996: I/DEBUG(13259): scr 60000012 06-27 16:14:03.207: I/DEBUG(13259): #00 pc 00017eb4 /system/lib/libc.so 06-27 16:14:03.207: I/DEBUG(13259): #01 pc 00013e16 /system/lib/libc.so 06-27 16:14:03.207: I/DEBUG(13259): #02 pc 00016150 /system/lib/libc.so (dlfree) 06-27 16:14:03.207: I/DEBUG(13259): #03 pc 000167c8 /system/lib/libc.so (free) 06-27 16:14:03.207: I/DEBUG(13259): #04 pc 002834aa /data/data/com.xxxx.xxxx/lib/libgame.so (_ZN7cocos2d7CCImageD2Ev) 06-27 16:14:03.207: I/DEBUG(13259): #05 pc 002834c4 /data/data/com.xxxx.xxxx/lib/libgame.so (_ZN7cocos2d7CCImageD0Ev) 06-27 16:14:03.207: I/DEBUG(13259): #06 pc 002649d4 /data/data/com.xxxx.xxxx/lib/libgame.so (_ZN7cocos2d8CCObject7releaseEv) 06-27 16:14:03.207: I/DEBUG(13259): #07 pc 00293d42 /data/data/com.xxxx.xxxx/lib/libgame.so (_ZN7cocos2d11CCTexture2D14initWithStringEPKcPNS_17_ccFontDefinitionE) 06-27 16:14:03.217: I/DEBUG(13259): #08 pc 00271520 /data/data/com.xxxx.xxxx/lib/libgame.so (_ZN7cocos2d10CCLabelTTF13updateTextureEv) 06-27 16:14:03.217: I/DEBUG(13259): #09 pc 00271930 /data/data/com.xxxx.xxxx/lib/libgame.so (_ZN7cocos2d10CCLabelTTF9setStringEPKc) 06-27 16:14:03.217: I/DEBUG(13259): code around pc: 06-27 16:14:03.217: I/DEBUG(13259): 400e4e94 4623b15c 2c006824 e026d1fb b12368db \.#F$h.,..&..h#.

Do you have the solution for the question?

I have the same question.

Use the NDK-stack tool to get more readable output, then we can see the offending routines.