Cocos2D-JS v3 and RC0 TMXTiledMap black pixel border


i built a tiled map with cocos2D-js v3.0 and v3 RC0.
With the last release, the map contains black/dark pixel where alpha < 1.
The tile has 1 px border with alpha ~0.5.

here is the code :

var map= new cc.TMXTiledMap(;
this.addChild(map, 0, 1);

How to fix it ? I tried to set ccConfig.h CC_FIX_ARTIFACTS_BY_STRECHING_TEXEL parameter to 1 but it does not work.


any idea ?

Problem solved :
In main.js

  • resolution ratio was wrong (1280x720 instead of 1280x736 according to my nexus7 ratio)
  • cc.director.setProjection(0);
  • map.getLayer(“item”).setBlendFunc(cc.ONE, cc.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);