Cocos2d-JS v3.3 RC0 released!

El_Jorge, can You tell me haw do You load a scene? All I do is:

var HelloWorldScene = cc.Scene.extend({
    onEnter:function () {
        var node = ccs.sceneReader.createNodeWithSceneFile("res/test.json");

Well the new api for Cocos Studio 2.1 json format is

// nodeAndAction is something like: {node: cc.Node, action: cc.Action}
var nodeAndAction = ccs.load(file);
// play the entire timeline (from my old code may have changed)
nodeAndAction.node.runAction (nodeAndAction.action);
nodeAndAction.action.gotoFrameAndPlay (0, nodeAndAction.action.getDuration(), false);
// show node in the current scene, you may whant use a local scene
// variable insted of get it from cc.director
cc.director.getRunningScene ().addChild (nodeAndAction.node);

You are using the api for Cocos Studio 1.6 if i not mistaken.

Now it works perfectly! Thank You El_Jorge.

Cocos Studio’s JSON format uses relative file path, so you must put your json file at the right place.

Hey @El_Jorge,

I can load my timeline animation like you suggest and have it play continuously. But when I try to play it just one time at a specific (later) moment I get this error:

jsb: ERROR: File /Users/cocos2d-x/MyWork/CocosFramework/cocos2d-x/MyjsGame/frameworks/runtime-src/ Line: 11848, Function: js_cocos2dx_studio_ActionTimeline_gotoFrameAndPlay
js_cocos2dx_studio_ActionTimeline_gotoFrameAndPlay : Invalid Native Object

I think the ActionTimeline gets released on C++ level somehow? But I do not understand why, because my node never leaves the stage?

Strange, i dont have ideas …

If you are on windows or mac i suggest that you open the runtime project with vs or xcode run it on debug, then start a remote debug session in cocos ide so you can debug both the js and the native c++. maybe you can figure out whats happening.

Thanks for your quick reply ;-). I’m on a mac and I’ll try to debug using both Cocos Code IDE and Xcode. Cheers!