cocos2d-HTML5 (v3.0alpha github checkout) and cocos2d-x JSB v3.0beta2: SpriteFrameCache problems

I figured out that now we should call cc.SpriteFrameCache directly, doing cc.SpriteFrameCache.addSpriteFrames(s_image_food_plist, s_image_food); works OK in the Browser but it doesn’t work in JSB.
On the Xcode console I get TypeError: cc.SpriteFrameCache.addSpriteFrames is not a function

Another problem: there is a typo in the classname cc.spriteFrameCache vs cc.SpriteFrameCache (according to the cocos2d-x API)

Hi, @mromanuk

In Cocos2d-html5 v3.0a, we have refactored cc.SpriteFrameCache to a singleton object cc.spriteFrameCache, to identify the difference between an object and a class, the first s is lowercased, so it is not a typo.
And JSB now follows the html5 APIs, we are preparing all docs for the release of Cocos2d-html5 v3.0 along with the JSB v3.0, it will be released in this week. Please be patient and keep an eye on our site.


Thanks Huabin, great news. I have a a hunch that the lowercase was to differentiate the object from the class, but the JSB difference got me lost. I will continue to use the new API v3.0 and wait for the changes. Is there any way to access the WIP Docs?
Keep up the good work :slight_smile: thanks.

@mromanuk, you are welcome, there is already two docs available on the forum of html5, the links are in my signature.