Cocos Studio 2 Feedback

I create animation using cocostudio v2.3 and load csb using cocos2dx v3.4, i have set blend src to change.
but after build. this animation not display blend src.
this is code load:
auto nodeAction = CSLoader::createNode(“BigWin.csb”);
nodeAction->setPosition(Director::getInstance()->getWinSize() / 2);
auto action = CSLoader::createTimeline(“BigWin.csb”);
action->gotoFrameAndPlay(0, false);
action->setLastFrameCallFunc( [nodeAction]()
I have same problem when using tween frame.

please help me

Hi all,

I use Cocos Studio to create Cocos project. I compile it for iOS and it’s OK. But there is error when I run compile for Android. Here is command output:

[armeabi] SharedLibrary :
/Applications/Cocos/frameworks/cocos2d-x-3.7/cocos/editor-support/cocostudio/prebuilt-mk/…/…/…/…/prebuilt/android/armeabi/libcocostudio.a(CCActionNode.o):function std::vector<cocos2d::Vectorcocostudio::ActionFrame*, std::allocator<cocos2d::Vectorcocostudio::ActionFrame*> >::at(unsigned int): error: undefined reference to ‘std::__throw_out_of_range_fmt(char const*, …)’
/Applications/Cocos/frameworks/cocos2d-x-3.7/cocos/editor-support/cocostudio/prebuilt-mk/…/…/…/…/prebuilt/android/armeabi/libcocostudio.a(CCArmature.o):function cocostudio::Armature::drawContour(): error: undefined reference to ‘std::__throw_out_of_range_fmt(char const*, …)’
/Applications/Cocos/frameworks/cocos2d-x-3.7/cocos/editor-support/cocostudio/prebuilt-mk/…/…/…/…/prebuilt/android/armeabi/libcocostudio.a(CCArmature.o):function cocostudio::Armature::init(std::string const&): error: undefined reference to ‘std::__throw_out_of_range_fmt(char const*, …)’
/Applications/Cocos/frameworks/cocos2d-x-3.7/cocos/editor-support/cocostudio/prebuilt-mk/…/…/…/…/prebuilt/android/armeabi/libcocostudio.a(CCArmatureAnimation.o):function std::vector<std::string, std::allocatorstd::string >::_M_range_check(unsigned int) const: error: undefined reference to ‘std::__throw_out_of_range_fmt(char const*, …)’
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [obj/local/armeabi/] Error 1

PS: I can compile Cocos projects that are created by Cocos Console for both Android and iOS. Please help me with Cocos Project that are created by Cocos Studio.

Cocos Studio
Take out please stroke with objects in the editor. Because it is impossible to see how to put right objects on a scene. Tnx!

Just tick “Automatic frame recording”
great! thank you !

I want to use Frame Events badly but it seem the Event track has been removed from the timeline nodes in latest cocos studio 2.x version. Could anyone suggest what can I do to use them in latest version?

A previous cocos studio version:

In my version (last version) there’s no Event track.


Just see my post/screenshot:

Sorry to be double posting on the two threads iQD, but I want the cocos studio team to have a look at this too. Here is what is ont working for me.



Please automatically delete the downloaded cocos framework installation package after it has finished being installed successfully. There’s no reason/need to keep it around.

$ ls -lh
total 529864
-rw-r--r--  1 gino  staff   259M Aug 22 16:00 CocosFramework-V3.7.1-Mac.pkg

I see there’s an option in the Cocos->Downloads section to ‘Delete’, but I’m assuming that will uninstall the package, which is not my intent.

I simply want to free up the 259 megabyte installation package that will no longer be used by Cocos.

Please bring back the option to create only the resources part of a project using Cocos Studio. I’ve already created my cocos project via the command so I just needed to create the cocos studio project resource files, but as far as I can tell, Cocos Studio 2.3.2Beta does not allow me to just create the resources part of the project. An older version of Cocos Studio did and I think this functionality is useful and should be brought back.

@ginobean, in cocos studios 2 there are some settings to select what you want to export:

Is this what you are looking for?


No. That isn’t it at all.

Go into Cocos Studio 2. Create a new project. In the new project creation, there doesn’t seem to be an option to just create the project resources only. It seems to create the entire cocos2d-x source tree as part of the new project.

In this case, I’ve already created the source code part using the command line ‘cocos’ tool, so I don’t want Cocos Studio 2 to create the entire source code hierarchy for me.

Take a look at the older version Cocos Studio 2.1.5. It actually gives the user the two options:

  • Empty Resource Project.
  • Empty Complete Project.

Between Cocos Studio 2.1.5 and the latest version, this feature, to create an ‘Empty Resource Project’ seems to have been removed.

Ok, Understood.

What about filling up a feature request? I need this too, at this moment I have a bash script copying the resources.

One of the things I would like to see from cs team is a change log… we really need this.


As it is, I ended up using the older version of Cocos Studio (version 2.1.5) to create the initial Cocos Studio Resource Project. I was then able to use the latest version of Cocos Studio to edit this resource project.

Obviously, this is a fairly kludgy way to accomplish this simple workflow.

This feature, the ability to create a new Empty Resource Project, is actually needed in order to complement the creation of a cocos project via the cocos command line script, since the command line script can create all aspects of the project except for the Cocos Studio resources.

Alternatively, extend the cocos command line script so that it can create an empty Cocos Studio Resources project as part of the project creation process. Although if you go this route, you should also add the ability to add an empty Cocos Studio Resource project to an existing project, for the sake of orthogonality, since this would be a common use case.

Either of these solutions would probably work well for the vast majority of users who use Cocos Studio.

I see. Thanks for making us know about this.

On the other hand I don’t know if this thread is monitored by the cocos studio team, they seem to only follow chinese threads (could be wrong though).

I hope we get a new version of cocos studio 2.xx soon. It is shaping up nicely.


5k $ ? :smiley: In what country? That means, I, cocos2d-x developer earn 13% of this amount :smiley:

Where do you live? What are your qualifications? Tasks? Responsibilities?

Well that is the minimal average expense in Western Europe.
A developer earns about 1500 Euros net, which is about 2300 gross, but it will cost the company about double the net salary because of high taxes and social insurance contributions etc.

Depending on your qualifications and other reasons, the salary can go up to 7500 net or even higher.

@iQD yes, 1500€ is the minimum (in france). With all taxes, it costs ~3000€. But the average salary is about 2500/3000 net or more !

So 200/300€ is not a problem.

I live in Eastern Europe. For 1500 euros (we have another currency btw) you can have 2 programmers easily :smiley: 1500 euros for one maybe in capital only (higher ranked).

Anyway, changing the topic back to cocos studio: what is “Onion skin”? Can someone explain?

So easily to guess which country then :wink:

I guess you don’t have 55% taxes like we do :smile:

It’s making the pre- and post-positions of the animated item visible. With onion skin you can see the path of your animation. It’s purpose is to make animation editing easier.

Hey CocosStudio developer, i still waiting for the fixing issue.
Skeletal Aninimation is cool, after i tried it out, but the problem occur is that i can’t bring sprite to front by drag and drop node element in Animation Tab.
Please check it

And thank you anyway for your effort.