Cocos-js: is JavaScript supported on WP8/Windows platforms?


says: “Cocos2d-JS is … and supports …Windows Phone 8, Windows, etc”

but link:
shows “Supported Programming Languages” table with “JavaScript” crossed out.
It also says: “Note that Javascript bindings can’t run on Windows Phone 8 as Mozilla has no announced plans to bring SpiderMonkey to the platform. C++ and Lua can run on all platforms above.”

Now, what am I missing? Will my JS app run on WP/win or not?

Thanks for your clarification!

I believe the difference is how you expect your app to run. If you are targeting a build for browsers (HTML & JavaScript) then it will not work.

If you are packaging it as a native windows store app then it will no longer be JavaScript but will be translated to native C++ code, then it will work.

I think microsoft working on it. You can find cocos2d_jsb_samples.wp8.sln this. But i can’t compile this project.

I was wrong with this statement. The JSB needs spider monkey so even though if you create a native app it won’t work. Hopefully this will get addressed in some future version or spider monkey will get updated.

@pepeek It looks like this in the works for a later version. You can read about it here: Chinese New Year's Wishes from Cocos2d-JS v3.3!

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The windows phone 8 support will be merged in the next version.

We already have our js-tests running on windows phone 8, so a little more patience, it will be done.

Thank you for your support

If it have support for wp8 in this version (v3.3), please show me how to build Cocos-JS for wp8
Thank so much!

v3.3 haven’t supported it yet, sorry

so sad, look forward to supporting soon.
Thank for your answer! i looking for a week.

It won’t be too long, hopefully by the end of march

@pandamicro that’s great news! I’m sure many people are excited to be able to support more platforms.

Thanks pandamicro for the clarification. Looking forward for the next version with WP support :wink: