Cocos Creator v1.5.0 Release!

That does seem a bit weird, begginerI tried beginner project to see if everything was working cause I know that it isn’t updated every update, So, I fired it up to check if any recent changes in 1.5 would have affected it.It’s still working from my recent test, I’m on a Hp Desktop running windows 10 and everything is running fine.

I’m also surprised if it’s anything to do with your OS since the devs use MacOSX as their main workbenches from looking at the GitHub projects

Hi @ht78

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated it…I even tested it out on Build - > Desktop and Web Mobile and the same situation, sometimes I see a white block, where there’s supposed to be a sprite. Once I get to the main scene, is where the game starts, it just freezes…I don’t even want to Build an apk or ipa without a defibrillator on hand, just in case…:grin: God Bless…



Im use android studio sdk and all is good

But download sdk is fail


Getting the below in Chrome Dev:

internal/process/warning.js:24 (node:739) Warning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 changed listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limitprocess.on @ internal/process/warning.js:24

God Bless…



Yes, i went back to version 1.4.2 because my games was not working in 1.5.0. May be it is better to wait until getting new versions if they are not compatible or stable.

Have opened a topic here regarding an issue I had with v1.5.0. Basically compiling take a much longer time to finish, downgraded back to 1.4.2 because it’s hard to develop when every little change takes a minute to be properly reflected on the simulator / browser


I have same issue when i upgraded to v1.5. Anyone can answer this question?

I also have same problem. i wonder why compile time become longer once i upgrade to v1.5.0

And i had another issue. Once i compile i get an ERROR about
TypeError: Path must be a string. Received undefined

Is there any issues in the Chrome Developer Tools? If the game is freezed, maybe there are some infinite loop occured in your code or happened in the engine.

The TypeError: Path issue is related the builtin code editor, you could just ignore this error message ATM.

Hi @nick3d

So, I’m not the only one experience game not working with this current version. I think the Cocos Creator team really needs to take down 1.5, and work on it more, even if it takes to middle of June 2017, this is just my opinion, this is not a stable product… This is just my opinion…God Bless…



There might be some back compatibility issue and we are trying hard to minimize these issues.

Could you send your project to us and it could help us to improve the Creator further.

My email is, you could share to me with Dropbox or Gmail.


After I get this error, I cannot run simulator

oops, I talked to one of the developers in our team, he said this issue will be addressed in v1.5.1

The source of Cocos Creator docs is in github, Cocos Creator Docs.

An issue report or PR is more than welcome.

Hello facing problem while compiling for Android
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

  • What went wrong:
    A problem occurred configuring project ‘:hello_world’.

NDK not configured.
Download it with SDK manager.)

Can you give me the download link of 1.4.2?

The compile error could be fixed by changing the project configuration and locate the NDK path in your computer.


  1. Right click your project in Android Studio, choose “Open Module Settings”

  2. In the popup dialog, select the “SDK Location” tab and fill in the missing “Android NDK location”

Did that already

After did that and still not working?