Slow compilation v1.5.0

It takes a really long time for cocos creator to compile my project ( not buildin it, just for it to compile and run in simulator/browser) . It takes about 1 minute each time we make changes to the source file, previously it was just a few seconds. Is anyone else experiencing this?

Hi kevin,

How many scripts do you have in your project? What’s the total size of these files?

We need the data for us to build a test case.

Our project is quite large, we have close to 100+ script files, about 2mb in size?

A friend of mine did the upgrade, in his project instead of directly referencing any custom components in properties, he uses getcomponent instead. His compile time is much faster, the same as when it is on 1.4.2

I did loads of custom referencing in the component’s property.

Thanks for your feedback, we’ll look into the issue.

We also planned an update in v1.6 to have a new module system that doesn’t need to compile all script files into one.

For now you can try this plugin, it opens a special preview window in Editor, and the preview window will watch your script file changes and reload game without compilation.

You can download this plugin from Extension Store in editor.