Cocos Creator docs incomplete

As the title says, the Cocos Creator docs are incomplete. Basically, on the creator docs there are a lot of functions that exist and can be used yet they arent documented. Examples: everything related to children / parent on cc.Node: addChild, removeChild, removeAllChildren etc. All of these are available, however, on the cocos2d-js reference.

Even tho it can be accessed in a different place, it still is an issue, as existing functions are undocumented. The second issue is that autocompletion is based on the creator docs, and functions like this.node.addChild seem to not exist.

This is the right URL:

Thank you for the reply. The link you gave me has the right docs. However, the autocompletion / creator.d.ts file is still identical to the wrong docs / does not autocomplete all functions. Also, the wrong docs link is on the api reference page.

Documentation and API links are messed up. As far as I know @slackmoehrle is working hard to fix it.

Sorry, can you clarify again what is not working? I’m not finding dead links now. I want to make sure I “fix” the right thing :slight_smile:

Alright, so there are (I think) two problems currently:

  • NOTE: It seems this problem was partially fixed (now the good & bad pages, as explained below, seem identical - both are like the “good” page). Still, quite a lot missing from both. Here’s my original text:

(little note: first, there is a guide / turorial page (only one)). Then, there are two creator docs pages.

One of them (the wrong / invalid / whatever one), called the 1.7 creator docs (in its text it says 1.8 but link says 1.7) is incomplete - a lot of missing functions (for example, they do not contain any child-related functions for the node class, like getChild, removeChild etc.).

Then, there is the second docs page (the good one), that is… still bad. It has way more than the bad one, but still misses on a lot (for example, cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ONE_BY_ONE. The true ‘good’ page that contains everything is the cocos2d-js reference. Now, about links. Let’s talk about only the good / bad (as I named them, even tho both are bad) pages. The problem is that in some places you link the good one, in some places the bad one. Below are a lot of images with location of guide / good / bad links (basically only ‘bad’ matters).

Also, here are the good and bad docs links (and guide). As you can see, the pages seem identical, but if you check them, the “bad one” has a lot of missing functions compared to the “good one” (as I said before). Screenshots:


As you can see, the only bad link is in the API refs page (in the screenshots, there may be more links).

  • The second problem is autocompletion: the creator.d.ts has a lot of missing functions and so the autocompletion is missing a lot. Basically. it only contains what the “bad page” used to contain (since the bad page now is the same as the good page). For example, it doesn’t have cc.Node.getChild or cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ONE_BY_ONE.

And that is about it. Currently, I am using the cocos2d-js reference, since it’s the correct one. I still don’t know why Creator needed seperate docs pages when the api is the same. Anyways, here are the issues explained as good as I could. If you need more info, feel free to ask, since I am not the best at explaining.

Thanks a lot for looking into this issue!

I can fix #1.

Edit, ok, I fixed the bad link of the static api-ref page. It now goes to the correct place.

You mean in the Creator editor right, not the docs/ site?

Yeah. I mentioned that, however, because the exact bits that were missing from the docs are also missing when generating the API source file in Cocos Creator. Sounds like the issues could have a common cause.

Also, what about the rest of the missing docs (compared to cocos2d-js)?

so it’s affect in creator ide, right ? like in vscode the auto-completion plugin for cocos-creator is not right like what you explained above. but, have you tried autocompletion in webstorm?