Cocos Creator 1.6.1 Beta

1.6.1 beta has already been published in chinese forums:


I’m keeping an eye on the Chinese forums so I have been playing with this for some time now. I’ll keep using it until a new version comes out but I would recommend against using it unless it’s for reporting bugs.

The editor is using a lot of CPU, keeps losing references to nodes, and sometimes just disables components randomly.

On a side note, should english speakers just keep posting bug reports here on this forum or is there a better place? I have no idea wether my bug posts are made aware to the developers.

Looking forward to every new version of CC :slight_smile:

Nobody of the dev team reads this forums anymore… if you have bugs, I will suggest you to post them on github:

They read the issues and usually got a response from them.

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Ok, I’ll do that. I was just following the answer provided here Issue Tracker for Cocos Creator?