Clearing caches specific remote bundle

Hello, does anyone know how to clear the cache from a specific remote bundle? Currently, I’m using assetManager.cacheManager.clearCache() , but it’s too risky. If there are any other ways to clear the cache from a specific bundle, it would be very helpful. Thank you.


Try the above APIs according to your requirements

Hi, thank you for your response! :slightly_smiling_face:
I have already tried that, but even when I called bundle1.release('path'); or bundle1.releaseAll(); , the bundle cache located at /package/files/gamecaches/ is not deleted. Consequently, if there is an available update in the remote bundle from the server, users won’t receive the newest version unless they close the game first. For more information, I am developing a game for the Android native platform.

Hi, your requirement appears to pertain to either freeing up local resources or addressing update issues. To clear local resources, you should retrieve the native URL and remove the corresponding path. If you’re dealing with an update issue, could you clarify whether you’re utilizing MD5 encryption?

Currently, I am not using MD5 encryption for my remote bundle. Should I consider implementing MD5 encryption?
Thank you in advance.

The MD5 cache appends MD5 information to all the asset file names after building can solve the problem of CDN or browser asset caching