Chrome Javascript console performance warnings

When debugging a Cocos2d Html5 game in Chrome it gives me the following warning:
PERFORMANCE WARNING: Some textures are unrenderable.

I’m having some performance issues with the game, and when profiling the game I can see that the problem is related to the graphics, so I find this warning something important to take care. Doing some research I’ve found this:

Can somebody explain how can I solve this?

These warnings only show on Chrome v28,

I think these warnings cause by LabelTTF.

Dingping Lv wrote:

These warnings only show on Chrome v28,
I think these warnings cause by LabelTTF.

Hello Dingping Lv!

I have the same problem too,
can you detail the problem a little more?
this mean that can’t i use custom fonts with this chrome version?

The better is to use LabelBMFont. You can’t really trust TTF on the browser.

Jesus Bosch wrote:

The better is to use LabelBMFont. You can’t really trust TTF on the browser.

I obtained the Glyph Designer program in order to use LabelBMFonts, but… can be that the functions like SetColor haven’t effect?

If the orginal color of the BM font is white, setcolor should work. I honestly tried this only on the C++ version, but if it doesn’t work in HTML5 it might be an issue

Emili Ciurana wrote:

Jesus Bosch wrote:
> The better is to use LabelBMFont. You can’t really trust TTF on the browser.
I obtained the Glyph Designer program in order to use LabelBMFonts, but… can be that the functions like SetColor haven’t effect?

I’m having some issues as well with the colours of the LabelBMFont. I make appear in the screen a purple label but it changes the colour to blue and the same with a golden label that changes to red. The code is the following:
label.setColor(new cc.Color3B( 223, 0, 255));
And a painful solution might be to make different fonts with Glyph that have same font but different colour.