CCTableView , could not catch the event

By some reason ,i don’t want to use “dequeueCell”, so i got another way, “cellAtIndex”
And problem came out ,“CCControlButton” in the cell just could not got the event。
if i change the code to dequeueCell, it will be ok ,i’m so confused.

question two :" cell~~>removeAllChildren" ,how to use
CCTableViewCell* GuanKaScene::tableCellAtIndex
//CCTableViewCell *cell = table~~>dequeueCell();
CCTableViewCell *cell = table~~>cellAtIndex;
if {
cell = new CCTableViewCell;
}else {
return cell;
void GuanKaScene::initBtn {
btn = XYButton::createWithCache;
btn~~>addTargetWithActionForControlEvents(btn->getParent(), cccontrol_selector(GuanKaScene::tiaoZhanClick), CCControlEventTouchUpInside);