

I am new to cocos and i was playing around with the hello world sample (cocos2d-2.1beta3-x-2.1.0). I tried to create a sequence of actions like this:

CCFadeIn* fadein=CCFadeIn::create(1.0f);
CCFadeOut* fadeout=CCFadeOut::create(1.0f);
CCFiniteTimeAction* myAction=CCSequence::actions(fadein, fadeout);

When the program reaches the third line it sends an exception, so i dont know what i am doing wrong and i cant find documentation about it.

I appreciate any tips you could give me…thanks in advance

CCDelayTime::actionWithDuration(1.5f), CCFadeOut::actionWithDuration(0.5f), NULL));

Just remember to add the “NULL” as last argument.