CCScrollLayer in Cocos2d-x V2.0.4

Hi, i am creating a scrollview in cocos2d-x v2.0.4 & i’m using this extension: [[]], but the problem is that when i try to build application the build fails and gives me errors like:

Use of undeclared identifier ‘GL_POINT_SMOOTH’
Unknown type name CCFloat

Any one help me please :slight_smile:

GL_POINT_SMOOTH is deprecated in OpenGLEs2. I guess you are trying to display the page bullets in CCScrollLayer::visit(). You can comment out glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH), but you will get squared bullets instead. To get the nice round solid shape bullets, I had to modify the CCDrawingPrimitives.cpp and add a function called ccDrawSolidCircle(). This function is the exact copy of ccDrawCircle(), simply replace ‘GL_LINE_STRIP’ with ‘GL_TRIANGLE_FAN’ in glDrawArrays() call.

If you are developing for android and iOS make sure you also update the CCDrawingPrimitives.cpp in cocos2d-x library and ./

Hope it helps,