CCLayerLoader bug

#define PROPERTY_TOUCH_ENABLED “isTouchEnabled” in file CCLayerLoader.cpp, but the the property string in ccbi file is touchEnabled.

cocosbuilder version 3.0 a2 and cocos2d-x 2.1.1

cocosbuilder version 3.0 a3 and cocos2d-x 2.1.2

I look inside the ccbi file in `WatermelonWithME`. In HUD.ccbi, it’s `isTouchEnabled`. So i think it’s correct.

What is your cocosbuilder version

publish by cocos3.0 a3

this is test cpp in sample

CocosBuilder v3.0-alpha2

Sorry, i used the lastest code on github.

James Chen wrote:

CocosBuilder v3.0-alpha2

Please test CocosBuilder v3.0-alpha2